For several months now, this blog has been folded into a comprehensive infertility website:
If you are interested in reading blog posts that deliver hope and inspiration for the infertility journey, click this link. You'll find hundreds of scripture-based messages that will renew your faith in God's purposefulness. If you want to subscribe (so you can receive all future posts), just enter your email address.
If you want additional information on support groups, scriptural resources, and much more, please visit the website. And, if you'd ever like to contact me directly, I'd love to hear from you:
I'm here to help!
blessings always,
Susan Radulovacki
So That We Can Comfort….
I was taking a walk with a new friend recently when I mentioned that I
write a blog for people struggling with infertlity. It’s hard to explain to
my peers...
9 years ago